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Click on the button below to download the donation agreement. Complete and sign the form, and then email it to or send it back to us. If you do not currently live in the Netherlands, please contact us ( to discuss the possibilities.

Stichting Universiteitsfonds Eindhoven
PO Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven

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Donate today for the world of tomorrow

With their projects, TU/e scientists and students stand on the shoulders of giants. Building on historical discoveries and inventions, they are working towards a cleaner and healthier world for tomorrow. They can only do so thanks to the help of our donors.

Will you help us give the world hope for a better, cleaner, and healthier future? A world in which scientific talent is given every opportunity?

If so: donate to the Eindhoven University Fund, either once or periodically.

Or ask us about the possibilities for companies or donating via a legacy.

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