
Our scientists, researchers and donors make an impact. Driven by their desire to make a positive contribution to society. They want to make the world cleaner and healthier and give talents the means and space to develop.

  • Projecten
    For the better

    Redox Flow Battery

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  • Projecten
    For the better

    Stella Terra – Offroad rijden op zonne-energie

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  • Donor

    Jacques van Rooij

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  • [Translate to English:]
    For the world

    Metal fuals - Beyond the limits of electricity and hydrogen

    For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon, this headline will sound like the name of a band leaning on a solid guitar section and a highly…

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  • [Translate to English:]
    For life

    A battle against the numbers

    Prostate cancer is affecting more and more men. AI is going to help detect it faster and treat it better.

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    For the world

    The electrolyzer - Update

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    For the better

    Better stoves for Ugandese families

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    For the better

    Support and opportunities for talent

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    December 14, 2023
    For life

    A suprising legacy

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  • Stories
    For the better

    Presentation Marina van Damme Grant 2022

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    For life

    The importance of sharing luck

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    Hella Jongerius

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    For life
    For the better
    For the world

    UFe Impact Night

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  • Stories
    For the better

    Presentation Marina van Damme Grant 2023

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  • Stories
    For the better

    Marina van Damme grant helps female researchers

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  • Donor
    For the better

    Bart ter Haar Romenij

    Professor emeritus with the energy and drive of a beginning student

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  • Donor
    For the world

    Saskia Velthuizen

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  • Donor
    For the world

    Edwin Hermkens

    Co-Founder & Chief Product Officer of MedApp

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  • Donor
    For the world

    Edwin van Rest

    CEO of Studyportals: Give the world access to education.

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  • Donor
    For the world

    Harry Otten

    Nuclear physicist, TU/e alumnus, meterologist and donor.

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